Monday, January 6, 2014

A peek inside the process. . .

A peek inside the installation of an upper lip sneer in a professional ventriloquist figure's head. A customer and good friend requested this animation for his figure order (he ordered awhile back and just finished his figure recently) and I wanted the challenge of installing this animation in this particular character head, as there is limited space inside our popular Fred head. Here's the figure on the workbench......

I took several snapshots along the way while building this figure, per our customer's request, and took some video footage as well and put together a quick glimpse of the process, that is now up on our YouTube channel. Click on the link below to see the video. Enjoy!


  1. Just testing the comment function.

  2. Hi, I'm from Brazil, I would like to know about the values of the complete dolls. movement of eyes, mouth, eyelids, etc ... please

  3. My web address is:
    name: mr. Santos

  4. Hola,soy de ecuador y quiero saber cuanto vale los muñecos pero quiero que me fabriquen un muñeco de slappy lo mas parecido por favor y movimiento de toda la cara
